zaterdag 14 april 2018

Learning about the Old Testament. A Biblical-Theological Introduction

Allan Harman, former principal of Presbyterian Theological College in Melbourne, has spent his whole life working in the field of Hebrew and Old Testament. He has written several commentaries on the books of the Old Testament.
In 2015 the Banner of Truth published a little book of this author on preparation for the Christian ministry. I can recom-mend it to every young man who wrestles with the question whether God calls him to the ministry. It is also very useful for theological students and pastors, who are already in the ministry for several years.
In 2017 the Banner of Truth published a little Biblical-theo-logical introduction to the Old Testament written by Harman. In this little book the author explains several different aspects of the Old Testament focusing on the covenant as central theme. Rightly he sees God’s covenant with humanity already in what God promised at creation.
God’s covenant with Noah in which he promise to preserve after the global flood the order of creation prepares the way for God’s covenant with Abraham as the central Old Testament covenant. God will undo through this covenant the fall of man and its consequences. 
The Old Testament finds its final fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Harman shows how the Messiah is anticipated in the Old Tes-tament. Brief surveys are given about worship in Ancient Israel and what it means to be a ruler of a king. The same is done for prophets, poets and wise men.
Harman’s book can help the reader to relate the Old Testament to his faith while doing justice to its real intent. It was really a joy to me to read this book; especially because the author is fully convinced of the divine authority and inspiration of this first part of Holy Scripture. 
I can heartily recommend it to all because it is not a technical. Although it is just a little introduction it is my wish that is will be read especially by theological students and young men who has the intention to start a theological training.

Allan M. Harman, Learning about the Old Testament. A Biblical-Theological Introduction (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth, 2017), paperback 127 pp., £5,50 (ISBN 978-1-84871-743-5)